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Xiraa's Official Point System - Xiraa Points (XP) - Printable Version

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Xiraa's Official Point System - Xiraa Points (XP) - Anurag M - 11-07-2023

Xiraa Points (XP)

We're thrilled to unveil a brand-new feature that will make your experience on Xiraa even more engaging and rewarding - Xiraa Points, or XP! Xiraa Points are our official point system that you can earn by actively participating in the forums. These points can be put to fantastic use, and we're here to guide you through the exciting world of TP.

Earning Xiraa Points:
You can earn XP in various ways, and each activity contributes to your Xiraa Points balance:
How to Use Your Xiraa Points:
Now, the fun part - what can you do with your hard-earned Xiraa Points? Here are some exciting options:

Rules and Guidelines:
We believe in maintaining a vibrant and respectful community, and this extends to our XP system. Here are some essential rules to remember:

1. Meaningful Contributions: To earn XP, your posts and activities should be meaningful and not spam. Quality always trumps quantity.

2. Referral Integrity: Referrals are fantastic, but they will be monitored for IPs to ensure fairness and authenticity.

3. Respect and Etiquette: Always remember to be respectful, follow community guidelines, and promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the forums.

With Xiraa Points, we aim to enhance your Xiraa experience and reward your active participation in our growing community. As you accumulate XP, you can explore exciting opportunities and unlock the full potential of this unique point system.

Thank you for being part of the Xiraa community, and we look forward to seeing your contributions and involvement! Happy earning and engaging with Xiraa Points!